n.52 (en.-mar. 1993)

Cuatrimestral - 1992-1993 - HUMAN Organization
- - - Household food security - BELSKY, Jill M.

- - - Outreach among Drug Users: Combining the Role of Ethnographic Field Assistant and Health Educator. - STERK-ELIFSON, Claire

- - - Using Cultural Skills for Cooperative Advantage in Japan. - REEVES-ELLINGTON, Richard H.

- - - The Transformation of a Frontier: State and Regional Relationshps in Panama, 1972-1990 - WALI, Alaka

- - - Paitu Nanasuagaindu Pahonupi (Three Sacred Valleys): Cultural Significance of Gosiute, Paiute, and the Ute Plants. - HALMO, David B.

- - - From Ethnography to Survey - FREIDENBERG, Judith

- - - Recruiting and Retaining Out-of-Treatment Injecting Drug Users in the Puerto Rico AIDS Prevention Project. - FINLINSON, Harriet Ann

- - - The Intergenerational Transmission of Disciplinary Practices and Approaches to Conflict. - FRY, Douglas P.

- - - Fertility among Central American Refugees and Immigrants in Belize - MOSS, Nancy

- - - The Skipper Effect and Folk Models of the Skipper Effect among Mississippi Shrimpers - DURRENBERGER, E. Paul

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