n.1 (en.-dic. 1988)

Irregular - ETNOLOSKA Sticisca= Zbieznosci etnologiczne= Ethnological contacts
- - - Personality of Emil Korytko in the light of his poems, letters and Ethnographic notes. - OSTROMECKA-FRACZAK, Bozena

- - - Emil Korytko and Kopitar. - JEZ, Niko

- - - Emil Korytko´s unpublished materials on Slovene folk life. - NOVAK, Vilko

- - - Changes in professional and social conditions of Ljubljana the second half ot the 19th century up today. - SULIC, Nives

- - - A reminiscence narrative about a manufacturer Poznanski in worker´s environment of Lodz. - WASIAK, Maria

- - - To die in the city: Reflections connected with the research work concerning death and funeral customs [...] in Lodz. - NOWINA-SROCZYNSKA, Ewa

- - - Cultural heritage of salt-pans on the Slovene coast - RAVNIK, Mojca

- - - On Ethnological concepts of Culture and Cultural Heritage modern tourism - Continuity, Identity, Alternative. - BOGATAJ, Janez

- - - The transmission of linguistic tradition in Kashubian villages of Chmielno, Wiele and Zawory in the light of ethnographi - KUCHARSKA, Jadwiga

- - - Cultural principles of Art - PIATKOWSKA, Krystyna

- - - On methods and prejudices in 18th century Anthropology. - JEZERNIK, Bozidar

- - - Travel-records as a subject of Ethnological research. - SMITEK, Zmago

- - - Autobiographical material and possibilities of its use in Ethnography. - PIOTROWSKI, Marcin

- - - Marginalia to Ethnological writing and description - SLAVEC, Ingrid

- - - The question of description in Ethnology - KANIOWSKA, Katarzyna

- - - The worker in an ecological structure of the city - KARPINSKA, Grazyna Ewa

- - - On folk culture, worker´s culture and the way of life. - KREMENSEK, Slavko

- - - The Lodz working class family of the inter-war period - KOPCZYNSKA-JAWORSKA, Bronislawa

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