All in All : A Plural View of Our Teaching and Learning / María Jesús Lorenzo Modia (ed.) ; José Miguel Alonso Giráldez, Paula Botas Ramos, María José Brey Villaverde...[]
A Coruña : Universidade da Coruña, Servicio de Publicacións (2), 2005
292 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 84-9749-132-7
2005 (23)
- - - Teaching HEL in the 21st Century - CRESPO GARCÍA, Begoña

- - - Human Teaching and the Diversity in the Spanish Educational System - CORTÉS MATÉ, Encarnación

- - - Teaching English through the History of Rock´ n´ Roll - CERDEIRA PENELAS, Javier

- - - Implicaciones culturales en la enseñanza de una L2 - VIDAL RODRÍGUEZ-SABIO, María

- - - An Approach to Police Language - VÁZQUEZ MAROÑO, María Luz

- - - When Words Become Corpora - PÉREZ GUERRA, Javier

- - - The Teaching of foreing Languages in the Europe of the Twenty First Century - NÚÑEZ PERTEJO, Paloma

- - - Authentic Materials as the Foundation of the Syllabus - O´NEILL, Simon John

- - - Learning through Content - LÓPEZ BOULLÓN, Rosa

- - - La lectura como método de adquisición e vocabulario en una segunda lengua - LASA ÁLVAREZ, María Begoña

- - - Let´s Face It! Not All the Talk Is Worthless - GARCÍA LABORADA, Jesús

- - - ESP Teacher and Lifelong Learning - FILGUEIRA FILGUEIRA, Marina

- - - Shakespeare como `bestseller` - ALONSO GIRALDEZ, José Miguel

- - - " And he don´t understand anyone hardly but him` - CLARK MITCHELL, David

- - - EFL on the Spot - CARIDAD BARREIRO, María Mercedes

- - - Ciudadanos de origen anglosajón en el Ferrol del siglo XVIII - AMENEDO COSTA, Mónica

- - - The Unfashionable Century - MUELLER, Andrea K. E.

- - - Aplicación del análisis postestructural feminista de la calología a The Life and Loves of a She-Devil - MORENO ÁLVAREZ, Alejandra

- - - English Literature and the Canon - LORENZO MODIA, Mª Jesús

- - - Films and British National Identity - FLOYD, Alan

- - - Teaching and Learning Irish Literature by means of Short Stories - ESTÉVEZ SAÁ, Margarita

- - - Teaching Irish Literature(s) in Spain - ESTÉVEZ SAÁ, José

- - - " Writing and Being` - CABARCOS TRASEIRA, María Jesús

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