n.6 (en.-dic). 1992)

Irregular - ACTA Universitatis Lodziensis:
- - - Lodz - the Ethnic Structure of the City. - KARPINSKA, Grazyna Ewa

- - - The Graeco-Roman tradition about India in the Slovene folklore. - SMITEK, Zmago

- - - A Brewery under special surveillance. - NOWINA-SROCZYNSKA, Ewa

- - - Urban Ethnology or Urban Anthropology? - KREMENSEK, Slavko

- - - A methodological proposal of researches concerned with the stereotype of a mill owner in narrative tradition of ... Lodz - LUKOWSKA, Maria

- - - Ethnological Study of Urban Environments- the case of Ethnological Research of Maribor. - GODINA, Maja

- - - The Krakovo and Trnovo sellers at the Ljubljana Food Market before World War II. - ZIDOV, Nena

- - - Jew as Enemy or History repeating itself - JEZERNIK, Bozidar

- - - Die Suche nach Kulturidentität der Kaschubischen Bevölkerung in Polen und Kanada. - KUCHARSKA, Jadwiga

- - - The role of Payment for a Wife in past and present Kazakhstan - BARANOWSKI, Wladyslaw

- - - On the Essence of Folk Art. - PIATKOWSKA, Krystyna

- - - Outside the Work. - PIOTROWSKI, Marcin

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