n.3 (en.-dic. 1991)

Irregular - ETNOLOSKA Sticisca= Zbieznosci etnologiczne= Ethnological contacts
- - - Polish Interest in the Slovenian Folk Culture (to the year 1918) - BARANOWSKI, Wladyslaw

- - - On Vraz´s translation of the Polish poetry folk songs and romantic poetic mythology into Slovene. - JEZ, Niko

- - - Education of Workers Children. - KOPCZYNSKA-JAWORSKA, Bronislawa

- - - The nutrition of the Maribor workers between two wars - between peasant to town food. - GODINA, Maja

- - - Own and Stranger in the space of the city. -

- - - Landscape and the category of space in folk-type culture An outline of the problem). - PIATKOWSKA, Krystyna

- - - The universum of human imagination (Anthropological fragments). - NOWINA-SROCZYNSKA, Ewa

- - - The role of Religion, Language, Habits and Rituals for determination of cultural/ethnic identification of Kashubian Orig - KUCHARSKA, Jadwiga

- - - Perception of non-European cultures in Slovenia in the period between the 17th and the first half of the 19th century. - SMITEK, Zmago

- - - Political Ethnology. - HRIBAR, Dasa

- - - Oscar Kon in the narrative tradition of the workers of the Widzew manufacture. - LUKOWSKA, Maria

- - - Free time in the country - Selected theoretical problems. - PIOTROWSKI, Marcin

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